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June 2020 update

It’s been the most unusual season in the history of our team to date, but this year has provided an opportunity for some really cool team experiences. 

We had three athletes Kona-qualify for 2020 in fall races. They are all set to race in February 2021 if the Hawaii Ironman does indeed happen then. 

All three athletes, along with 15 other brave and hearty souls, took on our first San Diego-area training camp in January, which was a huge success! You can check out our CAMPS page for a recap of what went on over those 5 days.

What’s been really incredible to witness is how, after a brief “reset” during the period when the racing season was slowly being cancelled, our team’s motivation has swelled. Ours is a very process-driven crew, not here to just train for a race and tick the box, but rather athletes for whom training is a lifestyle. Challenging themselves is a way of life, so we’ve found plenty of goals to chase even without knowing when and where our next official start line will be. 

In April we had 20 team members and coaches take part in the 5/4/24 challenge all together, even though we were spread geographically all over North America.  We all started together at 4AM PST and ran 5 miles every 4 hours for 24 hours, checking in live via our team Facebook page before and after each run. It was amazing how the group motivation fuelled us through this 30-mile run day, which was a lifetime-biggest run day for a number of those participating.

Photo credit: Kalei Konrad

In May, many of our athletes took part in the Smashfest Queen Mother’s Day Smashfest virtual races. We were so incredibly proud of how our athletes were able to turn themselves inside out chasing goal times outside of a real race environment. Most notably, we had Dave a Lundberg setting a 3-min half marathon PR of 1:29 at 55 years young and Alex Watt besting her PR by 3 minutes as well with a 1:20!

And in June, we have a highly competitive game of Team Bingo happening.

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